Thanks for the info guys :-)
@DarkSpilver, you were right ;-)
anyone visited swifterbant or the video stream at the local kh?.
any high- or lowlights?.
asked my inwife if the new hall is nice (i know it's not).
Thanks for the info guys :-)
@DarkSpilver, you were right ;-)
i'm quite surprised about the new approach of some local congregation brothers respect about my fade.... funny, ilegal and very dangerous in view of the different laws regarding personal data and minorities in spain and in the eu.... i already organized a press meeting with main newspapers in spain.
many has shown interest in this situation.
the fact of that a parallel judicial system do exist is amazing them.
Interesting they speak to you as a 'sir' and not a 'brother'. Any outcome of a meeting is already fixed.
Would be fun to bring some reporters though :-D
anyone visited swifterbant or the video stream at the local kh?.
any high- or lowlights?.
asked my inwife if the new hall is nice (i know it's not).
Anyone visited Swifterbant or the video stream at the local KH?
Any high- or lowlights?
Asked my InWife if the new hall is nice (I know it's not). She didn't know as apparently they didn't show any good pictures in the video stream...
all jw memorial services i've been to have been similar.
a couple of sentences about the deceased and then it's all about the religion.
very impersonal and scripted.
Recently the talk outline for memorials changed.
The original one specifically stated something along the lines of:
This talk is not a eulogy. Talk about the person shortly (preferably mention only his cult accomplishments and slavery), then continue with the impersonal cult stuff.
The new outline instructs to weave remarks about the person throughout the talk, as long as it supports the cult stuff they're trying to plug.
Plus the guy was well known, and JW are all about connections.
You know the politicians from your tiny country must be really bad if even people on the other side of the world know them by name...
just came across this info from 1946 yearbook.
it would be fascinating to have the same information on members at this year's annual meeting. least women are not allowed as voting members of the society.
I guess Jesus also will only allow the female anointed in the heavenly kitchen to cook him some matzes? looks like a generic, easy to sell barn hall..
nothing like the old hall it's built next to.. the small room in the video is the indoctrination education center.. the building is completed one year ahead of schedule.
my guess: it's either much simpler than they originally planned, and/or they had more volunteers because nothing else is being built.. video is dutch, but nothing interesting is said anyway..
You made me lol while I heard sizzling sounds and imagined a piece of bacon in a suit :-D
Just like the cult itse looks like a generic, easy to sell barn hall..
nothing like the old hall it's built next to.. the small room in the video is the indoctrination education center.. the building is completed one year ahead of schedule.
my guess: it's either much simpler than they originally planned, and/or they had more volunteers because nothing else is being built.. video is dutch, but nothing interesting is said anyway..
LOL I even already commented on that thread. Totally forgot 😛
well, it's been a very long road, so far, but, for the greater good.. appeal decision posted today..
Good luck.
I understand that it's the economic impact of the DF that makes the court willing to review the case.
But imho what should be reviewed by the court is that the life of a less than 15 year old child and their family can be destroyed because the child decided/was pressured to become 'member of a self governed organisation', but failed to foresee all consequences of that 'decision'.
so many good shows these days.
however mr. robot is really well done and interesting.
wondering if anybody else has been watching.
We watched first few episodes and stopped because my wife doesn't like it. I intend to continue myself.
But for now I'm too busy watching 5 seasons of the Walking Dead. Watching mindless zombies. Apparently I got used to them while still in...